maybe we look the way we do for a reason, your hair was supposed to be a dirty blonde, and your nose was supposed to be a little larger, and your teeth were supposed to be crooked because, we were supposed to meet someone who made us feel like there is so much more than the little flaws that make us original, not a tube of mascara, or a pair of shorts, because a heartbeat and a few words, is all someone needs to really fall in love with you.
so, I know, I really do, that some people think I'm a snob because I'm posting pictures of myself on my blog. But I just wanna say that it's not like that at all. I don't feel the need to explain this but I want to. I don't see myself as a pretty-cool person. I'm not. I have spent a lot of days hating myself, but now I just don't. I'm OK with who I am (or at least this is what I keep telling to myself) and even if I feel ugly I'm still ok with that. I'm still ok with the thought that I have some flaws and some imperfections, but fashion is not about that. I'm here because I wanna share my style with people. I wanna show you that I'm wearing black because it was my grandmas favorite color to wear and she is my inspiration. My blog is about my art and not about me and I'm not looking for 'likes' on facebook or for any good criticism.
--------------------------------changing subject----------------------------------------------------------
So, school started and I officialy hate people. I have to wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning every single day and I have to smile and say good morning even if it's not a good morning for me, and I have to get dressed and wear a bra every day, do you know how much effort I have to put in this? of course you do if you are a girl. Now, boys, I have to say that your life is so much easier because you don't have to wear a bra and this is something that really brings happiness in someones life, believe me!
What helps me escape from boring reality are the people I love and thank God I have them because I just don't know what I'd do without them! But there's always something missing ..because I'm stressed and I have to send my portfolio for studying Fashion Design in New York and I just don't know where to start because I'm a lazy person and I live in my comfort zone. And my comfort zone is a beautiful place to live..but nothing ever grows there. And I want to grow, I want to travel, I want to paint, I want to do all the thing in my TO-DO list because I've spent days in my life doing nothing and I hate that because I'm young and I have to do things while I can, and I just wanna be the person I always wanted to be and now it's time and I'm afraid because who knows what happens after that? I guess I'll never find out if I don't get started.
Hope your school year is better than mine
xx Fedra
CROPPED JERSEY - pull and bear
SHOES - converse all star
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